*In recent years, endeavors to align the BRI with development strategies of other countries have become a unique way for ...
Choi, also the deputy prime minister for economic affairs, is poised to assume the role following the suspension of acting ...
It is noteworthy that the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the General Administration of ...
SEOUL, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- Minister of Economy and Finance Choi Sang-mok, who doubles as deputy prime minister for economic affairs, vowed the stable management of state affairs on Friday after ...
Alliance is the old international relations mindset of "finding enemies," while partnerships are the new vision of "making ...
While rejecting any notion of U.S. ownership, Egede emphasized Greenland's willingness to collaborate with international partners, including the United States.
印度前总理曼莫汉(Manmohan Singh)于周四(26)辞世,享耆寿92岁,生前带领印度实施重大经济改革,并将其推向全球经济强国地位的重要人物。据《CNN》27日报导,曼莫汉在家中突然失去意识,随后备紧急送往新德里的 ...
2024年,对澳中关系而言是相对平稳的一年。 我们看到了双边领导人互访、贸易走向正常化;另一方面,我们也见证了澳中双方在人权、国际形势、台海问题等方面存在的摩擦与争端。 这一年,在合作与摩擦并存的澳中关系里,有哪些关键节点?(点击上方收听音频) ...
China's Ministry of Finance unveiled plans to implement a more proactive fiscal policy in 2025, including increasing the ...