Bollywood star Akshay Kumar recently disclosed his favourite patriotic film. The movie, which was released during the 1971 war, starred Raaj Kumar in the lead. Listen to Story Akshay Kumar recently ...
Republic Day is an excellent opportunity to commemorate India's illustrious past, with vivid parades, flag waving, and patriotic fervour all around the country. What better way to commemorate this ...
On January 14, 2025, Colonel Jalil Khalilov, the Chairman of the Organization of War, Labor, and Armed Forces Veterans, met with a group of veterans of the 44-day Patriotic War, Azernews reports.
For weeks, the inauguration of Donald Trump as America’s 47th President tomorrow has been talked up as the most bling, brash and brazenly patriotic jamboree in US history. But despite the late ...