This year's Christmas Market will be held in the Tap Seac Square in Macao from December 16, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Currently, Dan serves as the host and drummer for Samajam (Hangzhou branch), a role that involves both engaging the audience in music discussions and demonstrating various instruments. As a drummer, ...
漫步于曲水亭街,仿佛步入了一幅流动的水墨画卷。这里不仅洋溢着浓厚的文化氛围和诗意,还充满了市井生活的烟火气,有街头美食的香气,还有活色生香的手艺。每一处转角都可能遇见非遗技艺的传承者,在他们手中,传统与现代交织出别样的风情。Strolling ...