The TANTRUM music video, directed by Joyner Lucas and Matthew Bordenave, features vibrant animation by Cartuna Cartoon. The visuals portray cartoon versions of Smith and Lucas overcoming symbolic ...
(CNN) — Hamas has become the latest party to the Gaza hostage and ceasefire negotiations to voice optimism about the prospects of reaching a deal, amid a flurry of diplomatic activity in the region.
Heavy Hezbollah weapons confiscated by the Israeli army's 91st Division from a house in southern Lebanon in a photo released on Dec. 15, 2024. Israeli troops from the army’s 91st Division ...
In an exclusive interview with The Post-Star, Warren County Sheriff Jim LaFarr explained how Law Enforcement going into 2025 is enduring “trying times,” including an increase in service needs ...
The visuals portray cartoon versions of Smith and Lucas overcoming symbolic obstacles like falling skyscrapers and desert mountains, mirroring the song’s theme of personal perseverance.