Then, on January 8, Musk disclosed during an online interview that there was now a third person with an implant. “We’ve got now three patients, three humans with Neuralinks implanted, and they are all ...
Neuralink continues its push in the brain-computer interface space with a third implant, while competitors and researchers ...
While he was the first person to have electrodes implanted in his brain to restore function to his own body, others have had ...
Elon Musk said a third person has received an implant from his brain-computer interface company Neuralink, one of many groups working to connect the nervous system to machines. “We’ve got … three ...
Neuralink is one of many organisations working on brain-computer connections, including rival start-ups in Europe. This is ...
During a recent interview at a Las Vegas event, Elon Musk confirmed that a third individual has received an implant from his brain-computer interface company Neuralink. Musk stated that all three ...