Jurassic World Dominion is a superhit sci-fi action film directed and co-written by Colin Trevorrow. It was released on June 10, 2022. The film is the 6th installment of the Jurassic Park franchise ...
It seems that The Batman: Part II is going to be receiving a new moniker, but what it is will be a mystery for now. One other new bit of news is that production has now shifted to the third ...
In a hilarious coincidence, both Seattle Seahawks defensive tackle Byron Murphy II and Minnesota Vikings cornerback Byron Murphy Jr. received fines from the NFL for infractions in their teams ...
Earlier today, Warner Bros. announced that Matt Reeves’s The Batman Part II had changed from an October 2026 release to October 2027. That puts a nearly six-year gap between the original and its ...
Per Deadline's reporting, The Batman Part II is now slated for a 1 October, 2027 release, meaning there will have been a whole five-and-a-half-year wait between Parts I and II. Now, given the huge ...
Francis Ford Coppola’s trilogy films about the everyday life of a New York mafia family. With its star-studded cast these films would go down in history as some of the greatest Hollywood has ...