AgiBot, also known as Zhiyuan, a start-up that launched in February 2023, released a video on its website of its new robots on December 16. The firm has manufactured nearly 1,000 of the humanoid ...
A new humanoid robot has been unveiled in China (Picture: Guangzhou Automobile Group) An ‘intelligent’ humanoid robot with legs and wheels has been unveiled by a Chinese automaker.
GAC’s humanoid robot, GoMate, standing on the stage at a media event in Shanghai on Thursday, Dec. 26, 2024. Credit: GAC Chinese automaker GAC on Thursday announced plans to trial humanoid robots ...
While you were busy watching your favorite NBA stars sink three-pointers, a robot was quietly perfecting its game-winning shot in Nagakute, Japan. That's right, a humanoid robot named CUE6 just ...
Citi Global Insights analysts Rob Garlick and Wenyan Fei discussed their research on how the evolving technology of humanoid robots will change the US workforce over the next 25 years.
Apptronik, an AI-powered humanoid robotics company, has entered a strategic partnership agreement with the Google DeepMind robotics team. The partnership will bring together artificial ...