Donald Trump has promised to bring a swift end to the war in Ukraine, but Russian troops have already booby-trapped the ...
Thieves have stolen $75,000 worth of road safety fences from a suburb on Auckland’s North Shore. More than 60 panels have ...
In total 76 panels have been stolen from around the North Shore area costing around $75,000 to replace. Uzra Casuri Balouch, ...
If you're a renter, building a permanent fence for privacy may be out of the question. Check out these affordable, easily removable privacy fences instead.
Fences are famous battlegrounds for neighbors, but you can avoid the drama with these tips for building a fence that looks ...
As cold continued the puzzle success nudged me into opening the 1000-piece, VanGogh "Starry Night" rendition of anything but ...
Red and white cedar are both attractive options when installing a new fence, but they're not as similar as they might seem.
The renter is $22,000 poorer after a tribunal fined her for trashing the property and taking off several pieces of it.
Hold off on recycling those old metal containers - with basic DIY skills and a bit of ingenuity, you can find plenty of uses ...