Porky Pig and Daffy Duck face off against alien nightmare fuel in a magnificently-animated new feature Feature films have not been kind to the Looney Tunes. There was a time when the wacky adventures ...
before being sold to Ketchup Entertainment ... Daffy is just sort of the greatest cartoon character in a way. He can play so many personalities, he’s so versatile. He’s loony.
The buns were not as soft as I thought they would be, but the burger was nicely seasoned, and the smoky tomato ketchup they came with had a nice barbecue note to it. There is just one thing ...
“Ultimately, when we talked about him throwing his ketchup and hamburger against the wall, there’s nothing illegal about that, and most of the people that testified were actually his ...
That’s not a sin. That’s not against the law. Ultimately, when we talked about him throwing his ketchup and hamburger against the wall, there’s nothing illegal about that,” Kinzinger ...