This module focuses on Japan’s medieval period, including the Kamakura (1185-1333), the Muromachi (1336-1573), and the Momoyama (1573-1603) shogunates. Photograph ...
and knowledge of Japanese history. Five online modules each provide a case study in the role of art in capturing and conveying human experience. The samurai warrior has come to symbolize Japan’s ...
The martial art is little known outside of Japan and deals with drawing a sword so skillfully your opponent is doomed.
Dreaming, Vanitas, and Myths—reflects Škubal’s interest in timeless themes and his focus on historical art forms like Art ...
This was also the first recorded instance of the name ju-jitsu. The martial art later developed alongside the samurai of Japan, and was seen as a way of defeating armed opponents without using a ...
A group of Japanese artists are hoping to help people embrace both the Olympic spirit and Japanese culture by reimagining flags of competing countries as samurai characters. Nations large and ...
A samurai horsewoman carries the winning flag ... Soma Nomaoi festival held annually in and around this northeast Japan city are being debated, and may be revised by the time it is next held.