Natasha Romanoff, also known by her superhero name Black Widow, was one of the Avengers who passed away tragically. In Endgame, she and her fellow Avenger, Hawkeye (Clint Barton) travel to the past ...
Pop culture wouldn’t be the same without the Avengers, who’ve made history since their first movie in 2012. The team’s unity left its mark over the course of a decade, and now they’re ready to pass ...
Eventually, the film ended with Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man sacrificing himself for all humanity by snapping the Infinity Gauntlet and killing Thanos. But while it became one of the most traumatizing ...
Well, I’ll give him another 20 minutes, but that’s it!” This was the final line uttered in the 1980 movie Airplane! for those who bothered to stick around for a post-credit scene featuring a ...