"Clodagh," an award-winning short film featuring Irish dance, has made the shortlist for the Live Action Short Film at the 2025 Academy Awards. Starring Katelyn Rose Downey and Bríd Ní Neachtain ...
Irish Rockstar, Steely Challenge, Flaming Sword and Vibrant Bliss excelled when the horses were exercised here on Thursday morning (Dec. 19). 600m: Southern Power (rb), Benzena (Rayan) 45.
Whether it was in enormous blockbusters, anarchic music films or swoony romance, our big screens have been dominated by Irish ...
“No, that’s the Scottish. Traditionally, the Irish wear short shorts,” he said, as a picture of Mescal in tiny shorts popped on screen. “Did someone say short shorts?” asked Marcello ...
The director of an Irish short film that has made the shortlist for the Oscars has described the honour as "surreal". Room Taken "shares a beautiful and fairytale-like story of a newly-arrived migrant ...
The director of an Irish short film that has made the shortlist for the Oscars has described the honour as "surreal". Room Taken "shares a beautiful and fairytale-like story of a newly-arrived ...
From sausage ads to swords and sandals 2020's Normal People — which cast Mescal in his breakout role as pandemic thirst trap Connell Waldron — was made by Element Pictures, an Irish production ...