25,000 to Rs.55,000 Cockatiel Price in India Rs.2,000 to Rs.90,000 Budgie Price in India Rs.500 to Rs.13,000 Love Birds Price in India Rs.1,200 to Rs.24,000 The Indian Ringneck Parrot, also known as ...
As a result, the Indian government has banned certain species of pets from being kept as domestic ... These breeds are prohibited because of their aggressive nature and have been responsible for ...
The efforts of the Indian "ring " to delay senatorial action on the bill for the transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Department, have been desperate, but they are not likely to prove effective.
While budgies are a type of parakeet, other species like the English budgie and the Indian ring-necked parakeet also make great companions. These birds are friendly and enjoy interacting with ...