India's Minister for Railways recently announced that the country has completed part of a "hyperloop" track, Newsweek reported. The track will soon enter its testing phase and, if successful ...
Virgin Hyperloop recently ran the first-ever passenger test of a Hyperloop vehicle, reaching 100 mph on a short test track. Spawned from an “alpha paper” put together by Elon Musk in 2013 ...
India’s first Hyperloop test track is ready! Indian Railways along with IIT Madras has achieved a notable advancement in transport technology with the completion of India’s first 410-metre ...
Virgin's Hyperloop One company has signed a deal with the government of Saudi Arabia to build a test track for its futuristic transport concept. The hyperloop concept involves a pressurised pod ...
In a major breakthrough in transport technology innovation in India, IIT Madras successfully developed a 410-metre long Hyperloop test track, updated Minister for Railways Ashwini Vaishnav on ...
Almost exactly a decade since Elon Musk first outlined his hyperloop concept to much fanfare, trumpeting it as a solution to shuttle passengers between Los Angeles and San Francisco in half an ...
Virgin Hyperloop has trialled its first ever journey ... two passengers - both company staff - travelled the length of a 500m test track in 15 seconds, reaching 107mph (172km/h).
Maglev is basically what allows a hyperloop to go incredibly fast, thanks to the lack of friction between the passenger-carrying pods and the tube-shaped track. The general concept is simple.
is likely to be tested in the next two to three months at the 410 metre hyperloop test track at IIT-Madras’ Discovery campus in Thaiyur. Official sources said IIT Madras and TuTr Hyperloop team ...