Sea lamprey abundance exceeded targets in 2024 in all Great Lakes due to treatment restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Decades of fisheries management programs led to huge improvement in the number of lake trout, which were nearly wiped out in the Great Lakes.
Biological invasions sometimes are seen as an inevitable result of modern life, but like other human impacts on inland waters ...
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission, established in the mid-1950s to eradicate sea lampreys, is still dealing with a ...
The Great Lakes are infamous for their beauty and size, but is it safe to eat your fresh catch of the day? Here's what we ...
The entire saga is a useful reminder that humans have the capacity to help native species recover and allow ecosystems to ...
Some species were key prey for lake trout and burbot, supporting a Great Lakes fishery now valued at $7 billion annually. Among the coregonines, different species of ciscoes declined dramatically ...
Sea lampreys are making a comeback in the Great Lakes and threatening fish populations with their 'vampire-like' feeding habits ...
characteristics of anglers who fish the Great Lakes for salmon/trout, differences between males and females, geographic patterns of fishing participation, and projections of future angler populations.
Some species were key prey for lake trout and burbot, supporting a Great Lakes fishery now valued at $7 billion annually. Among the coregonines, different species of ciscoes declined dramatically ...
LAKE SUPERIOR (WJRT) - The Lake Superior Committee (LSC) of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission announced that the lake trout population has "fully restored" in Lake Superior. According to the ...
The winter steelhead trout fishing is finally warming up as rain and snow have kicked up the river flow in the Northeast Ohio ...