Opposition members in the Lok Sabha criticized the government for delaying the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Tribes in Assembly Constituencies of the State of Goa Bill, 2024. The bill ...
A bill proposing the reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribes in the Goa Assembly was debated, amid concerns of outdated census data and lack of urgency within the government. This image is ...
On Monday, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant presented birth certificates to 25 members of the tribe, including children, at the South Goa District Collectorate. The ceremony was part of the ongoing ‘Good ...
As discussion continued in Lok Sabha on Tuesday (December 17, 2024) over the Bill to add Scheduled Tribes (ST) representation in the Goa Assembly, several Opposition MPs stressed the need to ...
Goa Liberation Day 2024: Goa Liberation Day, as the name suggests, commemorates the liberation of Goa in 1961, even though India became independent in 1947. Goa was under 450 years of tyranny under ...
Participating in a debate on a bill to provide reservation to Scheduled Tribes (ST) in the Goa Legislative Assembly, Fernandes said there are doubts about the real intention of the BJP-led government ...
Participating in a debate on a bill to provide reservation to Scheduled Tribes (ST) in the Goa Legislative Assembly, Fernandes said there are doubts about the real intention of the BJP-led government ...
Goa School Holiday List 2025: The year 2025 brings various holidays in Goa, celebrated throughout the months. These include public holidays like Republic Day (January 26), Independence Day (August ...
Goa Liberation Day is celebrated every year on December 19 to mark the freedom of Goa from Portuguese rule in 1961. This ended the struggle of freedom fighters against the 451 years of colonial rule.