That glutamine rather than ammonia or ammonium glutamate acted as a direct source of urea-nitrogen was demonstrated in several ways: first, by the fact that the rate of urea synthesis from ...
NO synthesis is self-sustaining, supported by the NO-glutamate loop, but blocking molecular steps for NO-synthesis or those that trigger glutamate release eventually disrupt the loop and stop aLTP ...
The following is a summary of “Current status of serum metabolites biomarkers for polyps and colorectal cancer: a systematic ...
This important study will allow for a better understanding of anthelmintic drug resistance in nematodes, a growing concern for public health. The authors provide a detailed analysis of the role of UBR ...
曾遭11名学生联合举报的华中农业大学原教授黄飞若,近期遭多家国际级刊物撤稿。 近日,多家生物学学术媒体发布消息,关注黄飞若团队多篇文章被撤稿消息。澎湃新闻记者查询发现,公开信息显示,截至12月10日,黄飞若团队被撤的期刊文章至少有4篇。
曾遭11名学生联合举报的华中农业大学原教授黄飞若,近期遭多家国际级刊物撤稿。 近日,多家生物学学术媒体发布消息,关注黄飞若团队多篇文章被撤稿消息。澎湃新闻记者查询发现,公开信息显示,截至12月10日,黄飞若团队被撤的期刊文章至少有4篇。
This fundamental work provides evidence that glutamate and GABA are released from different synaptic vesicles at supramammillary axon terminals onto granule cells of the dentate gyrus. The study uses ...
依据《事业单位人事管理条例》《高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法》和《华中农业大学处理学术不端行为办法》,学校决定: 撤销黄某某校内一切职务,解除聘用合同;报请撤销其教师资格,报请对涉及其学术不端的科研论文、科研项目等予以撤稿、撤项;停用其主编的《饲料智能加工生产学》教材。对动物科学技术学院通报批评,对学院相关责任人作诫勉谈话、批评教育等处理。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
华中农大2月发布情况通报称,经调查认定,在学术方面,黄某某(即黄飞若)作为通讯作者发表的10篇论文存在伪造、篡改实验数据和图片,2篇论文不当署名,1项科研项目的申请书和1项科研项目的结题报告使用了存在学术不端的论文;主编出版的《饲料智能加工生产学》教材重复了他人出版教材的部分内容,且未注明出处。在师德师风方面,存在指导学生失职失责、言语不当、敷衍教学问题。在财务方面,存在对部分研究生少发助研津贴问 ...
Can bone broth really relieve joint pain, improve gut health, and improve your skin? We asked the experts what they think.