The Hulk’s future imperfect self has smashed into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the Marvel animated series What If…?, Uatu the Watcher (Jeffrey Wright) has pondered such questions as, “What If… ...
Nathan Summers gets redefined in a way that has nothing to do with the techno-organic virus or time-travel in Cable: Love and ...
Heroes, the NBC series that promised to revolutionize television with its stories of superpowered characters, faced an abrupt ...
While Marvel's heroes are known for saving the world, there are a few who have developed a bad reputation among the rest of ...
On Jan. 10, 1948, future country star Loretta Webb married Oliver “Mooney” Lynn, becoming Loretta Lynn. They had met a month earlier. She was 15, he was 21. They stayed married until his death in 1996 ...