Once again, Florida lawmakers are debating whether to replace the northern mockingbird with the Florida scrub-jay as the ...
Florida lawmakers have been dissing the scrub-jay for 26 years now. It’s time for Florida’s only uniquely native bird to play ...
They are two of Florida's most iconic waterbirds, who look and behave similarly.But it turns out the anhinga and the double-crested cormorant are ...
The first time I saw a Cape Sable seaside sparrow in the Everglades, I was not impressed. This was in 1999, back before there ...
With a thud, the tranquil sounds of nature are shattered as a bird crashes into a glass window. It's an all-too-common, ...
The Jacksonville area has well over 200 species of birds. The number varies depending on the season, and many are found along ...
Some outlets of grocery chains in the Tampa Bay area, including Publix and Sprouts, were low on eggs Friday with some shelves ...
Sick or crippled critters keep coming, often faster than the cash to cure them.
Cold temperatures in Florida can have a serious impact on the animals living in the sunshine state. When temperatures dip too ...
Climate change makes migration harder, adding more stress to an arduous journey that can exceed thousands of miles, including along the East Coast.
The South Florida representative wants to declare two new state birds instead: The American Flamingo and the scrub-jay.