Onida became well known in India for its colour CRT televisions and smart TVs. Other appliances manufactured by the company include flat panel TVs (LED, LCD TVs), air conditioners, washing machines, ...
Expertise A 25-year CNET veteran, David has been reviewing TVs since the days of CRT, rear-projection and plasma. He created CNET's methodology for testing TVs, streaming services and AI tools.
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. I’ve been testing and reviewing the best TVs for nearly 30 years and have witnessed ...
Introduction The Critical Role of Displays in Modern Electronics Displays have long been a cornerstone of consumer electronics from the humble television to the sleek smartphone screens we use today A ...
If you just got a new TV, you're probably wondering what to do with your old one. Maybe you're in a rush to get rid of that dusty, bulky, outdated model before guests come over. But before you ...