The rationale behind this organization is that the processors tend to fetch code sequentially and after a transient time they all fetch instructions from different physical blocks. This tendency is ...
What Is (FET)? was founded in 2017 by Humayun Sheikh and Toby Simpson, who have backgrounds in AI research and blockchain technology. The project aims to create a decentralized ...
The branch prediction reduces the number of pipeline flushes required by predicting whether each branch instruction will be executed early in the pipeline. When this prediction is correct, this allows ...
Typically speaking, the technical convention when it comes to computers is "more is better." More RAM, more storage, more Hertz, but there's more to computers than just more. In fact, one oft ...
First discovered by the company in September and November 2020, CookieTime is so named for its use of encoded cookie values in HTTP requests to fetch instructions from a command-and-control (C2) ...