The initial radiation of vascular land plants, evidenced by increases in both diversity and morphological disparity during ...
With more than 50,000 described species, the leaf beetle family is distributed worldwide and represents about a quarter of ...
This long isolation has led to very high endemism, which is still evident at higher taxonomic levels, such as genera and ...
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, the Max Planck Institute of Biology in Tübingen, ...
Over 450 million years ago, plants began the epic transition from water to dry land. Among the first pioneers were the ancestors of humble hornworts, a group of small, unassuming plants that have ...
Evolution is often depicted as a steady forward march from simple to complex forms. But new research shows that certain ferns ...
Plant evolution is the subset of evolutionary phenomena that concern plants. The study of plant evolution includes the study of genetic change and the variations that result in speciation.
They found that 88 percent of the plant ... evolution, scientists only focus on the “typical” or most common condition for individuals. Data on past genetic, neurological and physical ...
Researchers decoded the genomes of ten hornwort species, revealing stable chromosomes and dynamic accessory DNA despite 300 ...
A study in June by Elodie Freymann and colleagues collected plant extracts from 13 species ... Oftentimes in human evolution, scientists only focus on the ‘typical’ or most common condition for ...
Researchers found that modern scrub mints, delicate flowering plants that grow mostly in Florida, likely have come about as ...