A new research project will assess the impact flooding and climate change is having on the UK’s earthworm population.
A recently discovered new species of...worm lizard... could bring new hope for conservation to the mining regions of Brazil.
Researchers are to investigate whether the humble earthworm is threatened by climate change and flooding in the UK.
Nearly 6000 species and subspecies of earthworms have been identified by scientists – but the true number could top 30,000 ...
Starting an earthworm farm is not only a fantastic way to recycle kitchen scraps, but also a fun project for kids. It’s an ...
Prof Mark Hodson, a soil scientist in the environment and geography department at University of York, is one of a team ...
“脆皮”蚯蚓为什么要“自寻死路”? 明明暗处才是蚯蚓们的乐土,那它们主动钻出来,是在自寻死路吗? 答案是否定的,蚯蚓主动钻出有以下3个主要原因:寻找资源,繁殖活动和逃离不利环境。 寻找资源:当蚯蚓赖以生存的某个区域因为种群数量过多、生存资源变少等原因 ...
在可持续发展浪潮的推动下,3M公司携手Generous Films精心打造的专题纪录片《职业绿动》于上海世博会博物馆盛大首映。该片通过五段跨越国界的绿色职业故事,生动展现了全球绿色从业者的奋斗历程与坚定信念。 3M中国消费品事业部总监毛勤华出席活动并发表主旨演讲。首映礼现场,纪录片主角之一、中国动创实研室主理人王亦磊,户外品牌RICO LEE创始人、运动户外设计师李伟刚,以及3M消费品事业部服饰纺 ...
Earthworms are considered vital creatures that help keep soil healthy by eating andrecycling organic matter, but they face an ...
(IN BRIEF) Researchers at the University of York, led by Professor Mark Hodson, are launching a two-year study to examine how climate change and increasing flooding in the UK are affecting earthworm ...
But one of the most interesting earthworms of all — the giant Palouse earthworm, native to the Palouse prairie grassland — is literally being ousted from its home turf by modern agriculture and other ...
Researchers at the University of York, led by Professor Mark Hodson, are launching a two-year study to examine how climate ...