Patients with an overproduction of protein from the chromodomain helicase DNA binding (CHD2) gene can develop a rare and ...
When a gene produces too much protein, it can have devastating consequences on brain development and function. Patients with ...
在生物学的世界里,基因编辑技术一直是科学家探索的热门领域,近年来,CRISPR-Cas系统的发现和研究为基因编辑带来了革命性的变化。CRISPR-Cas系统为原核生物提供了RNA引导的适应性免疫应答,以抵御入侵的可移动基因元件,如病毒基因组、外源质粒 ...
近日,首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院阴赪宏教授团队在《Biological Research》(JCR Q1,5-year IF=6.6)上发表题为“Identification and functional characteristics of ...
在《Nature Communications》上发表的一篇新论文中,一个国际研究小组发现,蛋白质USP50通过帮助决定核酸酶或解旋酶的正确使用来支持DNA复制过程。这些酶在DNA复制过程中发挥作用,以促进正在进行的复制,并在复制机制遇到问题时需要重新启动。
A new study links the loss of a single copy of a noncoding gene to a rare neurodevelopmental disorder for the first time in human patients.
The USP50 protein plays a key role in regulating the balance between nuclease and helicase activity during essential cellular ...
When a gene produces too much protein, it can have devastating consequences on brain development and function. Patients with an overproduction of protein from the chromodomain helicase DNA binding ...
A protein that is involved in determining which enzymes cut or unwind DNA during the replication process has been identified.
Therefore, how VGLL3 functions in tumor development remains largely obscure. In this study, the researchers report that VGLL3 ...