The Great Evil Beast, also known as The Great Darkness, is the ultimate source of evil in the DC Universe. Once more of an abstract concept, in recent years, it has been given a form and is the ...
Big money, big ideas and big egos — the art world has all the necessary ingredients for a juicy controversy. This may be why eye-rolling and schadenfreude emerge so virulently whenever said ...
During our visit, a school group freely interacted with his iconic stacks of imprinted paper, embodying the artist’s concept of relational art through playful appropriation. “There is no ...
For Plato, love is not an end in and of itself but only a means to achieving this supreme concept of beauty. The first step is physical; the senses unleash eros (the love that enters through the eyes ...
“For me, art informs everything, if you’re going to be a luxury brand.” Jason Koerner//Getty Images Gerry McGovern unveiling the new Type 00 concept car in ’Miami Pink’ during art week ...
KFC will open a new spinoff concept called Saucy in Orlando on Monday — emphasizing the brand’s chicken tenders and an array of sauces. “Everyone is obsessed with sauce — more is more ...
The initial announcement revealed that the crossover would happen in March of 2025, but thanks to DC’s new solicits ... with Batman, Cyborg, and Tails rounding out the group.
One of the 1998 game’s most iconic characters is Cyborg Ninja from Metal Gear Solid, who backflips all over Snake, the main character, with his chiseled exoskeleton and hissing, eerie thoughts about ...
Enhanced with a new painted cover by Jon J Muth and an expanded bonus section featuring concept art, early notes from the creative team, and script pages from writer J.M. DeMatteis, this ...