If #ReverseBrainDrainBD is the symbol of the nation's untapped potential, then it is also a battleground where the promise of the revolution faces its most insidious challenge: the very system it had ...
It’s actually a great frame of mind for facing adversity—to retain a vision that things could improve. JS: What does research say about the benefits of staying hopeful—say, versus having a more ...
The weapon was described as being ‘in the top echelons of swords, an elite object in every way’. Source: Alice Roberts/BBC/RareTV A "really incredible" sixth-century sword has been found in Kent, ...
At the mention of the Saville inquiry, Gen Sir Rupert expressed his “trenchant opposition” to what he called a “cynical political move” designed to scapegoat soldiers “yet again”.
British prime minister Tony Blair’s decision to set up the Bloody Sunday Saville Inquiry was “a cynical political move”, the head of the British army in Northern Ireland angrily told ...
The experience of black Americans of inconceivable suffering during the Jim Crow era, theologian James Cone points out, gave meaning to the symbol of the cross that, in white churches ...
Our compatriot was ridiculously accused of "siding with terrorists" and staging a "shameful action." This was written by the publication Sovetsky Sport and its pseudo-journalist Roman Eremeev, who ...