It’s Thursday and that means we are back in Lynn Matava’s kitchen. Lynn is a nutrition educator with the University of Maryland Extension. If you’re looking for a way to instantly sweeten your ...
When fresh fruit is in short supply for desserts ... frozen blueberries and canned peaches as key ingredients. Keep a pre-cooked sponge and some berries in the freezer so you can put this together ...
Remove from the heat. Strain the cooked fruit though a jelly bag or muslin-lined sieve set over a large bowl – press lightly on the surface to push the juice, leaving the fruit fibres in the muslin.
It's fabulously fragrant and turns pink when cooked. A quince fruit looks like a pale yellow, bumpy apple, sometimes covered in soft fuzz. When ripe but uncooked, it is solid, hard to slice ...
Tip the cooked fruit back into the original saucepan. Heat the strained juice over a medium heat, then stir in the gelatine until melted. Set aside to cool. For the blackcurrant mousse ...