Credit: Anna Efetova via Getty Images It's often claimed that many of today's Christmas traditions derive from the pre-Christian observances of pagan cults suppressed by Roman authorities.
Unfortunately, there is also a lot of misinformation. Some sources claim that the traditional date of December 25th for Christmas comes from pre-Christian, pagan religions. Supposedly, certain pagan ...
Christmas is, ultimately, a reincarnation of our ancient, pagan festivals, celebrating the turning point of the year. This is the moment when days start to lengthen and the world starts to turn ...
the Danish village in the heart of the Central Coast that aims both barrels of its year-round whimsy at the Christmas season, doesn’t have another, more pagan side to its annual shock-and-awe ...
Christmas specifically became a target for these pagan nationalists who sought to turn the Christian holiday into a specifically German festival. This was helped along by ongoing efforts to discover ...
When is Christmas celebration meritorious?Before going to the merit of Christmas celebration, let us first take a brief look at its origin. Some claim that it i ...