Apple set a new benchmark for mini-PCs with its latest Mac mini M4. However, if you prefer different PC hardware and a Windows (or Linux) operating system, then the Nvisen GX06 might be for you. This ...
Leading mini PC manufacturer Geekom is developing a desktop PC powered with a Snapdragon X Elite chip, new reports have claimed. Reports from El Chapuzas Informatico suggest the rumored QS1 Pro ...
At launch, Emdoor plans to offer a motherboard with either an AMD Ryzen 7 250 or Ryzen 7 260 “Hawk Point” processor with a Zen 4 CPU and RDNA 3 graphics, two SODIMM slots with support for up to 128GB ...
Chinese PC maker AOOSTAR was one of the first companies to introduce a mini PC with an AMD Strix Point processor when it first unveiled the AOOSTAR GEM10 370 in September. But the computer has yet ...