15, in what Russian Telegram channels are reporting as Ukrainian drone strikes. The opposition Chechen Telegram channel NIYSO reported at least five explosions in the city. It claimed that the attacks ...
Drones attacked the city of Grozny in Chechnya on the morning of 15 December, hitting a building. [The Chechen Republic, also known as Chechnya, is a federal subject of the Russian Federation; the ...
To thwart the self-styled Chechen Republic of Ichkeria’s independence bid, the Russian military threw poorly trained and equipped conscripts against highly motivated Chechen guerrillas.
Appearing on a podcast with prominent MMA coach Tim Welch, Couture tried deciphering the puzzle of Chimaev's unstoppable grappling. To 'The Natural' it starts by simulating the Chechen wolf's ...
To 'The Natural' it starts by simulating the Chechen wolf's grappling tendencies, particularly his penchant for taking people's backs, over and over again in the gym. From there, you can start ...
On the 30th anniversary of the first Chechen war that became a turning point in Russia's modern history, VOA Russian interviewed Abubakar Yangulbayev, the 32-year-old outspoken exiled Chechen ...
Ukrainian drones have been reportedly downed over the barracks of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov’s special police regiment in the city of Grozny, the capital of Chechnya. Source: Kadyrov on ...
This includes directly interviewing sources and analyzing primary source documents. CPW Wolf Conflict Coordinator installs fladry, a flagging used on fences around ranches to deter wolves from ...
A Ukrainian drone has struck Grozny, the capital of Russia's southern Chechnya region, and caused civilian casualties, state news agency RIA quoted Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov as saying on ...