Humimic Biosystems, which formed in 2023 as a spinoff company, is focused on developing models that mimic human organs — including the heart, lungs and brain — for wide-ranging applications.
A University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) study proves that the WIN55.212-2 drug protects the brain and reverses the initial cognitive damage caused by dementia, and explains how it works ...
Parents should plan one- to three-month-old sleep schedules appropriately because they need about 14-17 hours of sleep each ...
The claim, though, that young people’s brains are not fully developed until age 25, is a myth. A recent article in Slate ...
Neuroplasticity represents the brain's capacity to adapt through neural network modifications, crucial for understanding both normal cerebral functions and ...
Scientists describe their construction of complementary, internal, ion-gated, organic electrochemical transistors that are more amenable chemically, biologically and electronically to living tissues ...
Nebraska’s K-12 schools would be required to teach students from elementary to high schools about human development under a ...
Like any well-meaning parent or grandparent, you want to ace this caregiving thing and help your child pass life with flying ...
Teachers can use connections between literacy and social and emotional learning to awaken a love of reading in young students ...
Discover how UHF MRI techniques are revolutionizing the measurement of brain physiology and function, offering insights into neural processes.
Brain health is fundamental to your overall well-being, affecting how you think, feel, and interact with others and your ...
Researchers at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have developed a gene-editing treatment for prion disease that extends ...