Lunar samples collected by NASA astronauts during the Apollo Moon landings have a curious ... It was not until 1973, when the ...
All told, Eugene Cernan, who was the last man on the moon, spent 22 hours over three days walking and driving around Taurus-Littrow, Apollo 17's landing site on the edge of the Sea of Serenity ...
The team analyzed water in nine samples from the Apollo lunar mission, using a high-precision triple oxygen isotope technique. This method, developed by Dr. Morgan Nunn Martinez of the University ...
The Apollo 17 sample, which unlike the Apollo 11 display exhibited a 0.04-ounce (1.142-gram) stone that had been cut from a single rock and then mounted to a wooden plaque, was briefly planned to ...
NASA's LRV was flown on the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions during 1971 and 1972. It was designed to fold up and fit into the ...
The last US mission to the Moon, Apollo 17, blasted off shortly before midnight on 7 December 1972. Its crew spent three days on the lunar surface, collecting samples and conducting experiments.
Adding the LRVs changed everything, allowing the astronauts to collect a sample then rest while the ... 65 yards from the spacecraft. By Apollo 17, the LRVs took the men about 17 miles in total.