Anime is well known for its colorful characters, and some of the most vivid and unforgettable are demons. While no two anime demons are exactly like, many share enough characteristics to be considered ...
This is the perfect entry point for those who want to try out sports anime for the first time. The series is set to draw to a close with a new movie in the near future. Alongside Haikyu above ...
Did you know that Manga is a century older than Anime? Manga originated in Japan as form of comics and Graphics Novels. Its popularity is widespread across the world. Mangas come in various genres ...
If fewer shows were being made, maybe there'd be a better chance of turning good ideas like that into good anime. Still, there's no redemption for rank cowardice. You can draw furries. Of all genders.
Toussaint Egan (he/him) is a curation editor, out to highlight the best movies, TV, anime, comics, and games. He has been writing professionally for over a decade. Ahead of its premiere on Jan.
But if you haven’t seen this anime yet, you have the perfect opportunity to catch up on all of season 1 and have a nice backlog of season 2 to dig into. I envy you! [Ed. note: This essay ...