Based on the manga by Mayu Murata with twenty-five volumes available in Japanese and a live-action film as of this writing, the story follows Uka Ishimori as she navigates high school. In middle ...
The cultural festival at Ruri’s school will continue in RuriDragon Chapter 28, so don’t miss it to find out what happens next. Get the release date, recap, and more here.
The Komi Can’t Communicate manga will be coming to an end soon, as announced in Weekly Shonen Sunday Issue 7. Find out more about it here.
Solo Leveling, Sakamoto Days, and Apothecary Diaries are airing as part of Winter 2025's anime lineup, and some series are ...
The Apothecary Diaries is giving Jinshi all the signs for him to realize just how deep rooted his emotions for Maomao are.
Opening Shot: Miyo (Reina Ueda) kneels on the floor, weeping.
"Cats take on anime tropes in a laugh-out-loud parody. Wild Encounters brings you closer to the fascinating world of animals and pets. From exotic creatures in their natural habitats to everyday ...
If you've been completing Happy Homeroom classes in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete, you have more than likely stumbled upon a class that calls for a rare furniture item. These are Special ...
Aside from the fanservice, the anime seems to bank hard on a single joke: namely, that Aria is incredibly horny for Tama. So, if you find an elf girl constantly making googly eyes at a cat's ...
In a small, indistinct house in Jakarta's southern districts, a woman in full scrubs is silently and efficiently desexing an anaesthetised cat. Next to the table, another four cats wearing nappies ...