Anansi is a mischievous spider who appears in traditional stories from Africa and the Caribbean. In this story Anansi tricks his friends into falling asleep on a magical moss-covered rock.
The West African traditional tale of Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock is told in two short video episodes for KS1. There is a new Resource Pack to go with the animation, with worksheets and ...
In 2015, feeling nostalgic for the tales of Anansi the Spider that I had grown up with in West Africa, I travelled to the historic centre of Zanzibar in search of folktales. Maimona Jallow Stone ...
A very clever spider, if I do say so myself! Usually I want to get something for nothing — unfortunately for me it almost never works out that way. But I keep trying! I love exploring Africa.
Ananse, also spelled Anansi and Anancy, is one such folk hero of the African heritage diaspora. Half-human and half-spider, Ananse was created surrounded by wisdom ... Human elders and ancient trees ...