This story appears in the February 2010 issue of National Geographic magazine. A few years ago, while setting up camp deep in the Congolese rain forest, Dave Morgan and Crickette Sanz heard a ...
Humans have a distinct size advantage. Chimpanzee vs Human: Speed and Movement Type A chimp uses all of its limbs to run, moving at 25mph, while humans can only sprint on two legs with an average ...
Wild chimpanzees eat plants that have pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties to heal themselves, according to scientists. They described their “detective work” in the forests of Uganda ...
More images and video available- see link in the Notes section. A new study suggests that the fundamental abilities underlying human language and technological culture may have evolved before ...
Wild chimpanzees appear to learn skills from each other and then – much as humans do – improve on those techniques from one generation to the next. In particular, young females that migrate ...