The water vole is a much-loved British mammal, known by many as ‘Ratty’ in the children’s classic The Wind in the Willows. Unfortunately, the future of this charming riverside creature is in peril; ...
‘Garden birds’ are any species of bird that visit our gardens for food and shelter on a regular basis. Every garden attracts a different set of birds depending on the plants, trees and shrubs present, ...
Have you ever seen the curious face of a grey seal bobbing in the waves when visiting the beach? Grey seals can be seen lying on beaches waiting for their food to go down. Sometimes they are ...
Ordinary people find extraordinary ‘climate indicator’ species in UK waters Wildlife Trust volunteers clock over 46,000 hours of surveys and beach cleans Research highlights the need to improve protec ...
Charles Rothschild had founded the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves (SPNR - now The Wildlife Trusts) in May 1912, with the objective of protecting special places for wildlife. Over the ...
The Common sexton beetle is one of several burying beetle species in the UK. An undertaker of the animal world, it buries dead animals like mice and birds, and feeds and breeds on the corpses. The ...
Nestboxes can harbour parasites so it is good practice to take them down at the end of the season and give them a clean. Likewise it is important to keep bird feeders clean to stop the spread of ...
Waders can be a tough group to define. The term is used to describe members of a number of bird families, all from the order Charadriiformes (which also includes gulls, terns, skuas, and auks). As the ...
Set up a ‘nectar café’ by planting flowers for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies Many of our prettiest insects feed on nectar, so need flowering plants for their survival. Butterflies, ...
Whether it a glimpse of water-webbed whiskers, a lithe body porpoising in play, or the tip of a ruddering tail, the sight of a shy otter is one of the most rewarding wildlife experiences in the UK.