国际残障人日,定于每年的12月3日,提供了一个展示残障者成就和面临的挑战的平台。今年的主题是“增强残障者的领导力,以实现包容和可持续的未来”,强调了赋能残障者,使他们主宰自身命运并为社会贡献力量的重要意义。为了纪念这个重要的日子 ...
教科文组织会员国于2011年宣布2月13日为世界无线电日(WRD),联合国大会于2012年将这一天确定为联合国国际日。 无线电广播是展现人类多样性的强大媒体,也是民主对话的平台。在全球层面,无线电广播仍然是使用最普遍的媒体。这种能够触及最广泛受众的 ...
教科文组织大家庭沉痛悼念于1987-1999年在任的前总干事马约尔。作为科学家、外交官和诗人,他将和平文化作为优先事项,引领我们加强人权教育和冲突预防工作。我谨向他的家人及亲友致以最深切的哀悼。 奥德蕾·阿祖莱联合国教科文组织总干事 马约尔于1934 ...
The UNESCO Office for the Caribbean organized an in-person workshop in Kingston, Jamaica, from November 14-15, 2024, to address the impact of negative gender norms, including rest ...
UNESCO’s e-Platform on intercultural dialogue is designed for organizations and individuals to learn from shared knowledge or ...
Мысли о войне возникают в умах людей, поэтому в сознании людей следует укоренять идею защиты мира. As early as 1942, in wartime, the governments of the European countries, which were confronting Nazi ...
Karakalpakstan, a northwestern region of Uzbekistan, is known for the art of crafting the Kobyz musical instrument and the ...
At a time when over one million animal and plant species are at risk of extinction, sustainable food choices can make a real difference for the planet. This is the message that Michelin-starred chef ...
El Programa sobre el Hombre y la Biosfera (MAB, por sus siglas en inglés) es un programa científico intergubernamental cuyo objetivo es establecer una base científica para mejorar la relación entre ...
Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. The ...