A new report from the National Audit Office into special educational needs provision in England has concluded that despite a significant increase investment over the last decade, “the system is still ...
If Donald Trump wins the US presidency on November 5, his victory will have profound implications for other countries on many fronts. Not least of them will be climate change policy.
Our most powerful telescopes have revealed that the cosmos is surprisingly simple on the largest visible scales. Likewise, our most powerful “microscope”, the Large Hadron Collider, has found no ...
A friend of mine, usually an intensely optimistic pro-Ukraine analyst, returned from Ukraine last week and told me: “It’s like the German Army in January 1945.” The Ukrainians are being driven back on ...
Joanne Banks, Assistant Professor in Inclusive Education, Trinity College Dublin Noel Purdy, Director of Research and Scholarship, Stranmillis University College, A College of Queen's University, ...
Geologist Sharmaine Verhaert explains her search for the origins of pink sand found on beaches near Adelaide on The Conversation Weekly.
Dans le sillage du rapport accablant sur le cas de l’école Bedford, plusieurs commentateurs ont souligné à juste titre que la Loi sur la laïcité de l’État devait être renforcée. Mais malgré les limite ...
Most people imagine philosophers as rational thinkers who spend their time developing abstract logical theories and strongly reject superstitious beliefs. But several 20th-century philosophers ...
Artificial intelligence has the potential to overshadow human managers. But it could also shift the nature of management to a more human relationship-centred practice.
According to all polls, the November 5 presidential election will be very close. Will the Democratic candidate be able to get Latinos to tip the balance in her favor?
Geneviève Houriet Segard, Docteur en démographie économique, Directrice adjointe et ingénieur de recherche à l’EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre, EDHEC Business School ...
Plusieurs dérèglements successifs de la biodiversité dont une grande épizootie et l'arrivée d'espèces invasives remettent en cause les liens millénaires de cette île avec la mer.