荷兰驻广州总领事馆负责中国最具活力的地区之一:广东、广西、福建和海南四省。广州是大湾区经济的主要引擎,也是广东文化的中心。咫尺之遥的深圳市是全球科技创新中心。 您可在此找到驻广州总领事馆的详细联系方式。 我们的经济团队与荷兰外商投资 ...
荷兰驻上海总领事馆的工作重点是促进上海、浙江、江苏和安徽的经济关系、贸易促进和领事支持。总领事馆的经济部门包括经济事务部、创新部和荷兰外商投资局。 您可在此找到驻上海总领事馆的详细联系方式。 经济事务部负责促进荷兰领先行业的发展,并 ...
荷兰致力于为男女同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者争取平等权利,也在促进为女性提供平等权利。 自由 荷兰打击侵犯人权的行为,促进表达自由、宗教信仰自由、以及网络自由,不允许基于宗教、信仰、政治观点、种族、性别或者其他任何理由的歧视。 荷兰拥有一 ...
荷兰前驻美国大使昊使博(André Haspels)在获批出任荷兰驻华大使后,热衷于推广荷兰价值观。他认为,中国和荷兰两国在农业、设计和文化领域有很多经济合作机会。 请谈一谈您对中国的最初印象,您最先注意到的是中国的街景还是中国人的生活方式?
清洁工与其他清洁工组成团队,负责清洁大使馆并维护厨房内提供的设施; 工作需严格按照详细的工作安排和内部规章制度进行; 清洁工由设施经理(FM)直接负责,确保清洁工作按要求完成。 高中教育水平; 相关工作经验,最好有在国际环境的工作经验 ...
No rights can be derived from this document. This list is by no means complete; it contains only a few of the most important rules and regulations. General rules It is an offence for any road user to ...
Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form (for non-consular inquiries only). For consular services (e.g. travel documents, visa, Dutch passport, certificate of residence or travelling to the ...
Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form (for non-consular inquiries only). For consular services (e.g. travel documents, visa, Dutch passport, certificate of residence or travelling to the ...
O consulado geral pode ser contatado fora do horário de expediente para informações sobre passaporte, legalizações e assuntos consulares gerais para cidadãos holandeses ...
Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form (for non-consular inquiries only). For consular services (e.g. travel documents, visa, Dutch passport, certificate of residence or travelling to the ...
The Dutch embassy in Nairobi will be closed on the following days: ...
Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form (for non-consular inquiries only). For consular services (e.g. travel documents, visa, Dutch passport, certificate of residence or travelling to the ...