Conceived by Dionis Pashlakov, the project of a museum of vintage cars in Negotino is carried on by his sons and wife. An ...
Conceived by Dionis Pashlakov, the project of a museum of vintage cars in Negotino is carried on by his sons and wife. An idea that, for the Pashlakov family, combines passion for the past and a visio ...
Zapis našeg saradnika Božidara Stanišića o Vitomilu Zupanu (1914 – 1987) povodom 110 godišnjice rođenja jednog od ...
In vista delle discussioni sul futuro bilancio dell'UE abbiamo intervistato Oliver Röpke, presidente del Comitato economico e ...
Ahead of the discussions on the future EU budget, we interviewed Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social ...
Nacifašistička okupacija i partizanska borba bile su jedna od okosnica filmske naracije u Jugoslaviji: pored klišeja, uloga Italijana kao okupatora ispričana je na slojevit i složen način, kakav ne na ...
Zapis našeg saradnika Božidara Stanišića povodom 95 godina rođenja i 30 godina od smrti Aleksandra Saše Petrovića (Pariz, ...
Right after the latest parliamentary elections in July 2020, Croatia, along with Bulgaria, entered the EU exchange rate mechanism (ERM-II), generally considered a waiting room for the Eurozone. The ...
The way it is represented in formal education tells a lot about the condition of a people. Even when it is present in textbooks in South Eastern Europe, the history of the Roma is often ignored or ...
Il modo in cui viene rappresentato un popolo nell’istruzione formale rivela molto sulla sua condizione. Anche quando è presente nei libri scolastici nel sud est Europa, la storia dei rom viene spesso ...
In una lettera congiunta, 55 organizzazioni internazionali e locali per la libertà di stampa e i diritti umani esortano la Commissione europea a chiedere il ritiro totale della legge sugli “agenti di ...
About 100,000 refugees fleeing from Ukraine to Europe are estimated to be Roma. They are particularly vulnerable, and yet appear to suffer from discrimination in at least some European countries, such ...