Cependant, le Vendée Globe demeure avant tout une course sans assistance, et le règlement pose des limites strictes aux ...
Défense Conseil International est à la recherche de talents issus d’horizons divers pour enrichir son expertise dans les ...
Le 16 décembre dernier, Air France Shopping a dévoilé sa nouvelle collection de produits exclusifs pour célébrer les fêtes de ...
Tous les Eurofighter espagnols sont assemblés, testés et livrés sur le site Airbus de Getafe (Madrid-Espagne) et son empreinte industrielle se traduit par plus de 16 000 emplois directs et indirects ...
Maintenant qu’INTEGRAL R a reçu l’approbation des autorités de sécurité aérienne européenne (EASA -European Union Aviation ...
À partir de janvier 2025, Air France enrichit son offre culinaire en collaborant avec Olivier Chaignon, chef triplement étoilé, pour les menus des cabines La Première et Business au départ de ...
The Liebherr Group is a family-run technology company with a broadly diversified product portfolio, which includes a total of 13 product segments. The creative exchange between the segments promotes ...
In this video, the Garrett team takes a trip up to California for a gold prospecting challenge between the top gold prospecting content creators on social media. They were judged by TV star, Freddy ...
Our FlyingGreen video with Senior Aviation Sustainability expert Laurent Tabernier demonstrates how EUROCONTROL supports aviation and other sectors in their transition from fossil fuel to sustainable ...
In 2019, Vanderlande began work on a major expansion and refurbishment of two baggage handling systems (BHS) at Prague Airport. The goal was to help both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 cope with increasing ...
In this video, the Garrett team takes a trip up to California for a gold prospecting challenge between the top gold prospecting content creators on social media. They were judged by TV star, Freddy ...
Dr. Sally Warning, chief of staff for Advanced Technology at Raytheon, shares her experience developing hypersonic vehicles that can survive speeds of Mach 5 or greater at extreme temperatures.