Eksamensoppgaven blir gitt på norsk. Hvis emnet undervises på engelsk vil oppgaven kun gis på engelsk. Du kan svare på norsk, svensk, dansk eller engelsk. Karakterskala Emnet bruker karakterskala fra ...
har du grunnleggende kunnskap om radioaktivitet og radioaktive stoffers fysiske og kjemiske egenskaper. har du kunnskap om dosebegrepet, og om nukleær strålings vekselvirkning med materie, spesielt ...
I dette emnet ser vi nærmere på sentrale elementer i metaetikk og normativ etikk. Emnets innhold kan variere slik at metaetikk eller normativ etikk vektlegges i ulike semester. Metaetikk beskriver ...
This course is an examination of modern and contemporary English literature through the lens of multiculturalism. The focus of the course will change from semester to semester, foregrounding different ...
This course explores the presence of the supernatural in English-language literature, with a focus on the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Students will work with a range of literary and ...
The course studies legal rules on data protection — i.e., a set of norms that specifically govern the processing of data relating to persons (personal data) in order to protect, at least partly, the ...
This course is about database systems, focusing on relational databases. It covers advanced use of such systems, including advanced SQL, SQL query optimization, and use of indexes. The course also ...
UiO is a desirable choice for international students looking for quality education in a dynamic, safe, and globally connected environment. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider UiO. UiO is ...
This course gives a thorough introduction to operating systems and covers topics like interrupt management, threads and processes, process coordination and synchronization, management of physical and ...
The course addresses the most common geohazards in Norway: floods, landslides and avalanches. The course starts with an introduction to hazard and risk concepts and terminology, as well as mapping ...
The course gives an introduction to Radar Remote Sensing. You will learn about electromagnetic wave propagation and interaction with natural materials, like surface and volume scattering models. You ...
The course examines the competition rules of the European Union; particularly the competition rules concerning undertakings in Articles 101-106 TFEU. Competition law is the rules which regulate ...