Türkiye’s seismic research vessel Oruç Reis has arrived off the coast of Somalia as it prepares to begin searching for oil ...
Nasteho Mohamud Hashi, a single mother, has been struggling to provide for her nine children after aid she was receiving from ...
By Okumu Modachi  Two of the three Eastleigh family members were brutally tortured while the other was suffocated before ...
Jonathan Beale & Thomas Mackintosh The UK has said it is willing to provide intelligence gathered from surveillance flights ...
Rukia Bulle BBC News Komla Dumor Award winner Outrage has erupted on social media after Somalia’s Family Minister Gen Bashir Mohamed Jama shared photos on X of himself and another male delegate ...
President Obama unveiled the pivot to Asia plan to usher in what then-foreign secretary Hillary Clinton called “America's ...
Writing the script was completely intuitive,” he says, “it was all about simply writing different characters coming from ...
Qoyska Aweys Maye Maxamed oo afar qof ka kooban waxaa ku adag in ay helaan cunno hal waqti ah ilaa dhamaadkii bishii Luulyo ...
Aweys Maye Mohamed, a metalworker, and his family of four in Mogadishu have been struggling to secure even one meal a day ...
By PCS  Kenya and Somalia have welcomed the establishment of the new African Union Support and Stabilisation Mission in ...
Thousands of security cameras have been installed across Somalia's capital to monitor the movement of al Shabaab militants ...
Addis Abeba -The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has announced the suspension of eleven political parties, citing ...