These images will take part in the Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow collective installation, which is part of the official exhibition's program together with the festival's individual shows.
FAMILIAR STRANGER as defined by Stanley Milgram (Milgram 1972) are those individuals who do not know each other but share some common attributes like interests, occupation, location etc. For instance, ...
A Poor Sort of Memory is a collection of photographs made in and around my hometown in the California desert. As I revisit old hideouts in concrete washes and private bunks in rock formations, I am ...
For the last five years, e-Sport or virtual sport has rapidly grown in Indonesia. Digital revolution has diverted the citizen lifestyle, especially Generation Z. An independent research by in ...
They try to create a home away from home. Even though they have left Ethiopia in search of the American dream, they long for home and try to bring bits of it with them. This is what I witnessed while ...