Gideon Parchomovsky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law; University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School) have posted Fair Use and Fair Price (Southern California Law Review, forthcoming) on ...
Randy E. Barnett (Georgetown University Law Center) have posted Originalism and the Party Presentation Principle on SSRN. Here is the abstract: The Supreme Court sometimes adheres to what it ...
F. E. Guerra-Pujol (Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico; University of Central Florida) has posted Adam Smith's Blind Spot on SSRN. Here is the abstract: This article connects Adam Smith's ...
Alexander Afnan (Georgetown University Law Centre - Georgetown University Law Centre) has posted An Abolitionist Vision: Reclaiming Public Safety from a Culture of Violence on SSRN. Here is the ...
Gary B. Born has posted International Law in American Courts on SSRN. Here is the abstract: This Book addresses the status of international law in American courts and the power of those courts ...
Justin Bullock (Texas A&M University) has posted A Global AGI Agency Proposal on SSRN. Here is the abstract: In this report, I argue that there are significant plausible benefits to creating an Open ...
Aditya Bamzai (University of Virginia School of Law) has posted Sanctions and the Emergency Constitution (172 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1917 (2024)) on SSRN. Here is the abstract: The ...
Artificial Justice or True Intelligence? Prospects, Limitations and Recommendations for our Algorithmic Legal Future on SSRN. Here is the abstract: The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been ...
Bruce Wilder (Wilder Mahood McKinley and Oglesby) has posted How to Amend How to Amend the Constitution: The easy ways, the hard ways, and the best way on SSRN. Here is the abstract: The United States ...
Mary Jo Wiggins (University of San Diego School of Law) has posted The Scholar, the Harmonizer, and the Institutionalist (in The Jurisprudential Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (New York ...
David A. Hoffman (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School), & Emily Campbell (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School) have posted Contracts for Everyone on SSRN. Here is the abstract: The ...
The Legal Theory Bookworm recommends The Digital Fourth Amendment: Privacy and Policing in Our Online World by Orin Kerr. Here is a description: When can the ...