European Council President António Costa paid a visit to Warsaw where he met Prime MInister Donald Tusk and delivered a speech at the Opening Gala of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Today, the first-ever bilateral framework agreement between the EU and its member states and Japan, the Strategic Partnership ...
We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help ...
The presidency of the Council rotates among the EU member states every six months. During this six-month period, the presidency chairs meetings at every level in the Council, helping to ensure the ...
Consiliul Uniunii Europene reprezintă guvernele statelor membre. Este cadrul în care miniștrii și experții naționali din fiecare țară a UE se reunesc pentru: a negocia și adopta legislația UE a ...
Dies ist die offizielle Website des Rates der EU und des Europäischen Rates. Für die Redaktion verantwortlich ist das Generalsekretariat des Rates, das den Rat der EU und den Europäischen Rat ...
Eksperci od dokumentów we wszystkich państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej oraz w Islandii, Norwegii i Szwajcarii dostarczają i selekcjonują informacje, które mogą być udostępnione ogółowi ...
The current EU toy safety rules prohibit substances that are carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction. The EU wants ...
Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of Europe’s industry and economy. The EU is putting in place policies to support SMEs, as they play an essential role for the transition to a ...
Ca cetățean european, dacă vă îmbolnăviți pe durata unei șederi temporare în altă țară din UE (indiferent că vă aflați acolo în vacanță, într-o călătorie de afaceri sau la studii), puteți primi orice ...
A Tanács megállapodott a tárgyalási álláspontjáról a Moldovai Reform- és Növekedéstámogató Eszközre – az országnak az EU-val ...