2024 Voices – Citizens Speak Up! The Europe we know today was designed in a postwar era for a vastly different reality. Mounting challenges and crises ranging from climate change to automation and ...
As Europe’s role in the world evolves, so do its security needs and challenges. With the war in Ukraine, the EU and NATO are taking strong steps to deal with the global impacts. Is it enough? Is ...
The third part of this series: “Healthy Soils, Sustainable Future: A Citizen Focused Dialogue”, is inspired by the EU mission A Soil Deal for Europe, which aims to establish 100 living labs and lead ...
Det Europa vi känner idag utformades under efterkrigstiden för en mycket annorlunda verklighet än den vi har idag. Dagens verklighet formas av ackumulerade utmaningar; som sträcker sig från ...
The third part of this series: “Voices for Healthy Oceans and Waters: A Citizen-Focused Dialogue”, is inspired by the EU mission Restore our Oceans and Waters, at protecting and restoring the health ...
In the second session of this series: “EU’s road to fair climate adaptation: citizen voices and local impact”, our speakers focus on the EU mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, dedicated to ...
La Europa que conocemos hoy se diseñó en la posguerra para una realidad muy distinta a la vivida hoy en día. La acumulación de retos que van desde el cambio climático a la automatización y las crisis ...
Europa, jaką znamy dzisiaj, projektowana były w zupełnie innej, powojennej rzeczywistości. Nawarstwiające się kryzysy, od zmian klimatycznych po automatyzację i kryzysy gospodarcze, cyberzagrożenia i ...
L’Europe que nous connaissons aujourd’hui a été conçue dans l’après-guerre pour une réalité très différente. L’accumulation de défis allant du changement climatique à l’automatisation et aux crises ...