The Salt March, also known as the Dandi March, was a pivotal campaign in India's struggle for Independence, led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930. Gandhi and his followers walked over 240 miles from ...
On January 4, 1932, Mahatma Gandhi was arrested after the Congress Party had decided to resume a civil disobedience movement in the wake of emergency measures imposed by the British government. The ...
Gandhi and Sarojini Maidu, an important Indian political activist, lead the Salt March In 1930, Gandhi led a major protest, know as the Salt March. The British had been taxing salt in India for ...
However, Dandi March or the Salt Satyagraha was the most important political battle conceived by Gandhiji. It was from Sabarmati Ashram that Mahatma Gandhi marched at the head of 78 satyagrahis ...