The Hydrologic Cycle is quite complex, with many moisture paths; however, in this project we are only concerned with a small portion of the entire cycle. In a simplified hydrologic model, rainfall (or ...
The Hydrology, Water Resources & Environmental Fluid Mechanics (HWR&EFM) group wants to ensure as a graduate applicant you are well-prepared for your graduate coursework. We have identified a set of ...
It is also known as the vadose zone. Baker, A. & Brunsdon, C. Non-linearities in drip water hydrology: An example from Stump Cross Caverns, Yorkshire. Journal of Hydrology 277, 151-163 (2003).
We are primarily focused on the processes controlling hydrologic fluxes in cold regions and within the greater Earth system. Improved understanding of these processes is essential for sustainable ...
This Section implements all activities of the IAEA's Water Resources Programme, which promotes and transfers know-how on the use of isotope hydrology as an effective tool for water resources ...
We have developed a snow energy balance algorithm that can compute the snow state very efficiently for distributed model. This spatially distributed snow model was named as Dsnow model. This snow ...
The Isotope Hydrology Collaboration Site gives registered users access to interact with the IAEA on a wide variety of water-related resources, including specialized scientific publications, software, ...
The Hydrology Group researches the role and behaviour of water in the environment and the ways in which these respond to environmental change, past present and future. We are particularly engaged in ...
Research in the Hydrology group is multifaceted and follows four broad themes: flooding and flood risk (FloodLab Group); dryland hydroclimatology and Earth surface processes (Dryland Research Group); ...